Wyjazd na narty do Val di Sole: raj dla miłośników natury
Jak inaczej można nazwać obszar, na którym 1/3 powierzchni zajmuje Park Krajobrazowy Adamello Brenta i Park Narodowy Stelvio? Dwa parki i trzy pasma górskie: Dolomity Brenty, Adamello-Presanella i Ortles-Cevedale. W miejscu takim jak to, zdrowa aktywność na świeżym powietrzu to oczywisty wybór! ...
And if you’re looking for some two-wheeled fun, you’ll nd it with:
- 35 km of bike trails to experience nature with the whole family;
- 300 km across 25 itineraries of dirt roads and trails that have everything you need for mountain biking fun;
- 3 bike parks for endless thrills and spills. This is ValdiSoleBikeLand, complete with world-class competitions.
And let’s not forget hiking, featuring over 300 km of itineraries around alpine lakes and through breathtaking landscapes. Or what about rafting, canoeing or kayaking on the 28 km of the Noce River, the best in Europe for whitewater sports! With all this outdoor fun, you’ll also need a trip to a nice spa, and the Pejo and Rabbi spas are there to treat you right!